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Thursday, November 20, 2008

My words of wisdom

I have something to share with you so here it is: When you have someone that is close to you make sure that you cherish every moment with them for you never know when they will be gone. I have just recently lost someone precious to me. Her name was Emily Johnson. She was riding an ATV when she flipped and fate be had she had no helmet, when she flew off her head hit a large rock and knocked her out. When she was moved to a hospital she remained in a coma for what i have been told three days on the fourth they took her off life support and about twenty-four hours later God called her and she passed on to a greater life above. I only know about this because the closest friend out of my flock has my cell phone number and told me right when she found out that my love had died. I had loved Emily the moment I saw her and now shes gone. So listen well when you have someone close keep them close until you part. As I write this tears fill my eyes for I have lost what cannot be replaced someone special. Emily if you are watching I hope you wait until I can join you for I love you and I believe Love will prevail.-Ace


White Forest said...

sniffle sniffle....thats depressing

Cruz said...

oh Ace... I'm so sorry, idk what to say... I lost my aunt last year all of a sudden (she was murdered) and the initial shock was horrible, I really wish I could give you a hug for real, I know how hard it is to lose someone you love. Know that my thoughts are with you, and that was really beautiful what you said about Love prevailing. *hugs* cruz

Talon said...

That was touching, I would cry if I could (I don't get very emotional) did you know her?

Ace said...

Yeah I did she was the one with the dark hair and the deep green eyes. My height you know I introduced you to her at the mall when we were taking a little stand still in Colorado.