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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Top 10 all time biggest flock blunders

I felt like rating our biggest blunders and here are our top 10 (yes sometimes we make mistakes Too) 10. Me not paying attention and flying into a skyscraper. 9. Sonic using his powers inside a cave. (owchies to our ears) 8. Talon lighting a fire bomb at a Gas station. 7. Me standing next to Talon lighting a firebomb at a gas station. 6. Shadow trying to scare a few Erasers at the school with his shadow. 5. The first time we gave Twitch coffee. 4. Angering Raven the first time. 3. Hiding under the Erasers hummer. 2. Punching an Omega in the chest without knowing he had a steel vest on. (me) And the number one blunder of our flock ever! 1. Prank calling the School. I don't know what we were thinking except that they traced the call and we had to run for it.


Shadow said...

Hey, Talon said it would be funny. But to tell you the truth..........IT WAS! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Raven said it wouldn't be a good plan but oh well. Talon has some really great Ideas.

Shadow said...

I'm talking about the prank call fyi

SilverTip said...

hahahaha, not to be mean, but REALLY did you do THAT?!!!!!!! that was kinda dumb, but way brave. GO FLOCK!!!! hi everybody


Ace said...

Hey Silvertip is that a pic of u? Cuz if it is a certain birdboy about 6foot in height with dark brown hair and a fifteen and a half foot wingspan would like to say go out?

Sonic said...

ha ha I remember that! and that! oh that was fun! ha ha -agungsti

Talon said...

hmmm, guess they don't like Mediterranean food.
"Hello this is shish-kabob and you have just won a free gyro sandwich." I said
"we'll find you" they said then hung up

Sonic said...

I dont get it. howd they know it was us?-hinge

Ace said...

Well they have access to the most state-of-the-art technology in the world how do you think they found us they simply traced the call and then used a GPS system that all expensive phones have to track our movement.